Переезд репозиториев

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Переезд репозиториев

Сообщение Alexander » 07.12.2024 17:02:01

Ввиду появления двух факторной авторизации на гитхаб начинаем переезд с него.

https://www.mail-archive.com/mseide-mse ... 15500.html


This smells bad for the future of Github.
Starting January 4th 2025, all Github users will need 2-factor authentication.
Unfortunately, users from countries that are not slaves to the master will not
be able to use these 2-factors.

So now there is https://codeberg.org/mse-org
with mseide-msegui, mseuniverse and mselang which is synced with the github

(And maybe mse-org github is no longer needed).

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